
Books of the center

– Allen, Ted & Sidney Gordon. 1953. The Scalpel, the Sword: The Story of Dr. Norman Bethune. New York: Cameron Assoc.
– Bethune, Norman. 2006. Politique de la passion: lettres, créations et écrits. Ed. Larry Hannant. Traducteurs : Dominique Bouchard et François Tétreau. Montréal: Lux.

– Bethune, Norman. 1998. The Politics of Passion: Norman Bethune’s Writing and Art. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.– Bethune Norman in China. 1975. Peking: Foreign Language Press.

– Bethune: son histoire illustrée = Bethune: his story in pictures. 1975. Toronto: NC Press. (Based on a picture book entitled, Dr. Bethune, published in Chinese by the Shanghai People’s Publishing House.)

– Endicott, Stephen. 1980. James G. Endicott: Rebel out of China. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (About James G. Endicott, with three references to Bethune)

– Ewen, Jean. 1981. China Nurse 1932-1939. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart.

Gordon, Sidney, & Ted Allen. 1973. Doctor Bethune. Traduit de l’anglais par Jean Paré. Montréal : Éditions L’étincelle.
– Homenaje a Norman Bethune, Cuaderno conmemorativo al LX aniversario de su llegada a España, Assoc. Española de Estudios canadienses. 1996. Centro de Estudios Canadienses de la Universidad de la Laguna, Madrid.

– Jack, Donald. 1981. Rogues, rebels and geniuses: the story of Canadian medicine. Toronto: Doubleday.– Langleu, Rod. 1995. Bethune, a play. Vancouver, B.C.: Talonbooks.

– Lethbridge, David, ed. 2003. Bethune: the Secret Police File. Salmon Arms, B.C. Canada: Undercurrent Press.

– Link, Eurgene P. 1991. The T.B.’s progress: Norman Bethune as artist. Plattsburgh: SUNY.

– MacLeod, Wendell, Libbie Park & Stanley Ryerson. 1978. Bethune: the Montreal Years. Toronto: James Lorimer & Co.

– Majada Neila, Jesús & Pérez Bueno, Fernando. 2006. Carretera Málaga-Almería (Febrero de 1937). Málaga: Caligrama Ediciones.
– Majada Neila, Jesús. 2004. Norman Bethune, el Crimen de la carretera Málaga-Almería (Febrero de 1937). Málaga: Caligrama Ediciones.
– Majada Neila. 1974. Peasant Paintings from Huhsien County. Compiled by the Fine Arts Collection Section of the Cultural Group under the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. Peking: People’s Fine Arts Publishing House.

– Shephard, David A.E. & Andrée Lévesque. 1982. Norman Bethune: his times and his legacy = Norman Bethune: son époque et son message. Ottawa: Canadian Public Health Association.

– Smith, Mary Larrett. 1976. Prologue to Norman: the Canadian Bethunes. Oakville, ON: Mosaic Press.

– Snow, Lois Wheeler. 1981. Edgar Snow’s China: a Personal Account of the Chinese Revolution compiled from the writings of Edgar Snow. New York: Random House. (Some references to Norman Bethune.)

– Stewart, Roderick. 1973. Bethune. Don Mills, ON: Paperjacks.

– Stewart, Roderick. 1975. Norman Bethune. Longueuil, QC: Pub. Julienne.
– Stewart, Roderick. 1976. Bethune. Trans. Jacques Gouin. Montréal : Éditions du Jour.- Stewart, Roderick. 1977. The Mind of Norman Bethune. Toronto: Fitzhenry & Whiteside.

– Weisbord, Merrily. 1983. The Strangest Dream, Canadian Communists, the Spy Trials, and the Cold War. Toronto: Lester & Orpen Denny’s.

– Zhou, Erfu. 1982. Doctor Norman Bethune. Bejing: Foreign Languages Press.

Ressources é (McGill: Osler Library of the History of Medicine) Canada /Parks Canada) (Bibliothèque et Archives Canada/Library and Archives Canada